In honor of yesterday’s first “annual” Castle Rock Crawfish Boil at BURLY Brewing Company, here’s a few post-boil experiences you may be able to relate to:
#1. Your lips still kinda burn, just a little.
#2. You’re hung over from all the beer you drank to try and cool off your mouth when it was burning from all the spices. Which you now realize, didn’t actually work.
#3. While in the shower this morning, you notice a couple of weird yellow spots on your hands and arms. You consider licking them, just in case it’s crawfish fat you missed out on.
#4. After your shower, your hands still smell like crawfish, so you rub some fresh cut lemon on ‘em.
#5. After rubbing your hands with lemon to remove the smell, you’re now keenly aware of tiny cuts all over your hands, probably from peeling crawfish.
#6. Your fingers are so swollen from the salt and spice that you can’t put on your wedding ring. Yet somehow, you’re also weirdly dehydrated.
#7. You find texts in your phone from people who appear to be your new best friends, though you can’t quite remember any of their faces right now.
#8. You’re online checking flight prices to New Orleans, hoping to squeeze in another crawfish boil or two while the kids are on Spring Break.